Wigs for Kids is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping children who suffer from hair loss. They rely entirely on donated hair to make custom wigs for children. Donated hair must measure at least 12 inches long. 

Wigs for Kids is an organization that we strongly believe in. After discovering Wigs for Kids we started a campaign where we donated our services for a complete year. Moving forward, we will be donating our services only on a seasonal basis, as we will also be participating in fundraising for other charities. Therefore, at this time we are not offering free haircuts, but you are still welcome to donate your hair at any time. For more information on Wigs for Kids or to make a donation, please visit


Strides for Life was founded in 2004 and is dedicated to Dylan Cappel, who lost his life at the age of 23 to colon cancer. Its mission is the prevention and early detection of colon cancer. The mission is accomplished through a variety of educational programs directed at increasing awareness of colon cancer among both healthcare providers and the general population.

​The Strides for Life organization is funded entirely through contributions from individuals, corporations, and grants from public and private agencies. Every year we fundraise and participate in the 4K run to support this organization. If you are interested in donating to Strides for Life please go to their website at

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